What is your QA Recipe?

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    On Tuesday of eurostar I attended a great and fun talk about getting the recipe for testing right.

    This made me think about what works for us and what are the downside and upsides.

    I could definitely relate with the themes of the talk. I liked the fact that thinking about testing practices as recipes, let’s you think about adding different spice and hence a different spin on a process to try something new.
    I felt this was one of the main messages, follow a process/guideline and adapt it and then make sure you review if things improved or not. Even at the risk of personalities clashing, make sure to hold retrospectives about what you tried.

    My take away is to try and play with estimates and story points. I liked the proposed approach of an ABC system and make the story fit the story points.
    a – no time to 1 day and a half – dev feels confident
    b – day and a half to three and a half – more complex, may contain unknowns
    c – too big, needs refining

    I will propose this new variation on the story point recipe in the next retrospective. How are you adding spice to your processes?

    Frank Pedersen

    Haven’t attended Eurostar this year,so haven’t heard the talk you have.
    But this:

    I felt this was one of the main messages, follow a process/guideline and adapt it and then make sure you review if things improved or not. Even at the risk of personalities clashing, make sure to hold retrospectives about what you tried

    is really the recipe I live by. We have several teams with a central guideline on how we see test as a company, but it is always up to them to improve on it, and figure out what works for them. Retrospectives is where the gold is! We see really different approaches to testing from team to team now, but that is okay as long as the teams are doing what works for them and constantly improves on it. It also gives a good dynamic between the teams, when testers are discussing different approaches and are learning from each other.

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