Introduction to Google Software Testing

James Whittaker


This eBook is an excerpt from James Whittaker’s book entitled:‘How Google Tests Software’. Here James addresses a question he gets asked more than any other. Regardless of the country he visits or the conference he is attending, this is one question that never fails to surface. Even Nooglers ask it as soon as they emerge from new-employee orientation: “How does Google test software?” How Google Tests Software contains the core information about what it means to be a Google tester and how we approach the problems of scale, complexity, and mass usage. There is information here you won’t find anywhere…....

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About Me!

James Whittaker has spent much of his career in softwaretesting. He was an early thought leader in model-based testing where his Ph.D. dissertation became a standard reference on the subject. While a professor at the Florida Institute of Technology, James founded the world’s largest academic software testing research center and helped make testing a degree track for undergraduates. He wrote How to Break Software, How to Break Software Security (with Hugh Thompson), How to Break Web Software (with Mike Andrews), Exploratory Software Testing and How Google Tests Software (with Jason Arbon and Jeff Carollo). He was previously Engineering Director at Google where he led development teams working on Chrome, Google Maps and Google+. He is currently at Microsoft reinventing the Web.

If you wish to purchase a copy of James’ book – you can do so by following this link.

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