Let’s Talk About…

TEST Huddle is all about testers chatting about different aspects of testing. From test cases to the best automation tool to the best books on testing, there is always something to discuss.

However we felt at TEST Huddle that it would be good to have some of these discussions live. Having a live chat makes for a lively, informal discussion where often ideas crop up that would not feature if it was a chat on the forum.

The Let’s Talk About Series

Each month on the second Thursday of the month, we will feature some TEST Huddle members discussing different topics in testing. The session will be open to all and more of a UnConference feel to it. The topic will be discussed for about an hour with all attendees free to take part and offer their thoughts on a number of points related to the discussion.


Want to catch up on our series. Check out each episode below:


Let’s Talk About….Women in Testing

Lets-Talk-About.....Women in Testing

with Alison Wade, Rajini Padmanaban and more. The topic of women in tech has been relevant for a number of years. The topic of women in testing has been discussed before and here we delve into what the issues are.


Let’s Talk About…Context Driven Testing

Context-driven testing

with Kristoffer Nordstrom and Richard Bradshaw. We discuss the issues regarding the field of exploratory testing, it’s history and how it currently fits in the field of

Let’s Talk About…Submitting To A Testing Conference

Submitting to a Testing Conference

with Shmuel Gershon and Ruud Teunissen. Our current Chair of the EuroSTAR software testing Conference and former Chair of the 2015 event guide us through the topic of writing that perfect submission including what to include, how to frame a submission round the theme of the Conference and more.


Let’s Talk About…Being An Independent Tester

Lets-Talk-About....being and independent tester

with Duncan Nesbit and Peter Schrijver. On Thursday 25th February Duncan and Peter discuss  will discuss what it is like to be a self-employed tester. The rewards of the job and the parts of it that aren’t so fun. Join us.